Spiral Rain: Witch & Ohm – August 2022

It has taken me a very, very long time to write about this box. Unfortunately so much time has now passed that it’s hard to remember things, and to make matters worse, I can’t find the information sheet. I took the pictures before we went to Mexico so the products are all around the house. I’m going to make this fairly quick and just be better on the next one, which arrived today. I have four opened and four unopened boxes currently sitting in my kitchen. I severely underestimated the amount of time it takes to do these.

Spiral Rain: Witch & Ohm Box Overview

Cost: $75.99 – $85.99/month + $25/month shipping + Tax

Value: $140+

Frequency: Monthly

Cancellation Policy: No returns/refunds.

Payment: Prepay full term.

Focus: “The Witchy and Spiritual world has a lot to offer, but also requires a lot of specific knowledge. Therefore it’s not always easy to begin or to grow in all of this. Our subscription boxes are there to help!”

Ships From: Trois-Rivières, Québec

Inside the Box


So for these booklets you can choose to have full-sheets, or half-pages like these. The full sheets are an extra $10/month, so I went for the smaller size. I find the borders on this size much too large, which makes the words very small. I can read them fine, but this isn’t the case for all people. I’m not sure if this is intentional or just a lack of knowledge of printer settings.

I don’t know anything about Palmistry, so it’s been an interesting thing to look at though I haven’t retained much. The witch booklet is full of information from lots of different belief systems. I think as a stranger coming in and looking at this world, it would be easier to see just one philosophy, but it does make sense to relay all the relevant information for people who know more, or follow different practices.

Galison Notebook Set

This notebook set came with double-sided stickers so you can attach the palm notebook to the blue one. Very interesting concept; I’ve never seen something like that before. I’ve always loved notebooks, but I’ve mostly stopped writing in them so I’ve developed a rather large collection lately.

Dragon’s Blood and Sage

I could be remembering this wrong, but I think this is Dragon’s Blood and sage. I think I’m supposed to burn it to use for smudging or for spells? Argh! I wish I had my cheat sheet.

This is a rain stick, which surprisingly (for here) could come in handy as it hasn’t rained in a while. Living in the PNW we don’t usually look to add more rain.


One can never have too many pens. It’s a bit gaudy for my taste, but as long as it works, I’m happy.

Pendulum & Board

This is a fun time, though sometimes you don’t like the answer it gives. I have a vague understanding of how this works. Energy something or other. Meh.

I do think it’s funny about the spelling of “Rephrase”. Oops! This board flips over for a black edition.

Anxiety Candle

I didn’t realize how tiny these candles are until I put them with my other candles. They are 4oz and are supposed to burn for 25 hours. This scent is cocoa lavender, which is really precious, and there are some amethyst, rose quartz, and other rocks on top. What do I do with these rocks!? It says to carry them with me, but A) I don’t want to and B) there’s so many of them.

Divination Candle

The divination candle smells really wonderful. It’s eucalyptus, mint, and orange. I never thought that combination would smell so good. There is plant matter, a piece of what looks like obsidian, and some grey polished rocks on top. I guess I’ll have to start decorating with rocks.

It is interesting to note that neither of these candles are currently for sale on their website.

This book is full of ancient wisdom from different parts of the world and ways to eat and live per the seasons. I look forward to diving into this when I have some time to focus on it. Most of this stuff I’m not deeply familiar with, and I very much enjoy learning new things.

This is such a pretty book. I know basically nothing about runes except that they were used for writing and as a linguist, that excites me. I doubt that’s the primary focus of this book, but I nevertheless look forward to reading it.

Pink Unicorn Milkshake

It’s been almost a month and we still haven’t tried this! I’m so curious about it, but it’s made with ice cream, and we never have ice cream on hand.

Cat Ring

This is a cute little fidget ring with cat faces that will make a perfect gift for someone I know.

Anxiety Roll-on

I never remember to use these, but they do smell lovely. When I’m in the throes of anxiety I’m not thinking about using a roll-on. Maybe I should put them somewhere more obvious so I do use them.

This one doesn’t smell heavy with lavender, unlike a lot of them, so it’s a refreshing change. I now have options for when anxiety rolls in.

Again, this specific item does not seem to be available on their site.

Overall Impression

I really like this box because I find it unique. When searching for Canadian subscription boxes it didn’t come up on any of the lists I encountered. I guess it’s not surprising as it’s quite niche. The reason I came across it is because someone had commented on another subscription box’s review mentioning that Spiral Rain was a cool, new box that had come out. As soon as I saw it I knew I wanted it, and despite the painful $25 shipping per box, and annoyingly having to pay for the entire year’s worth of boxes at once, I am so far pleased with my decision. By purchasing a year-long subscription you get 15% off each box and receive a 13th box for free. Maybe they’ll get popular enough that they can get a deal with Canada Post or whoever and lower their shipping fees.

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