Spiral Rain: WitchClass – Lesson 8/12

Lesson eight is about casting a circle.

Spiral Rain: WitchClass Subscription Overview

Cost: $25 for digital course only, or $60 + shipping + tax for box

My Cost: $540 + $300 shipping + tax = $882

Value: Varies

This Box Value: $112

Frequency: Monthly for 12 months

Cancellation Policy: No returns/refunds.

Payment: Prepay full term.

Auto Renew: No

Focus: “The WitchClass box is a complete witchcraft course given in a subscription box format.”

Ships From: Trois-Rivières, Québec

Established In: 2023 (this box is new this year)

Inside the Box

WitchClass Lesson 8 Course – $25

This month’s lesson focuses on casting a circle. I don’t know anything about casting circles.

Chakra Sage Bundle

This is a bundle of sage tied together with flower petals dyed the colours of the chakras.


This goblet is made in India and is nicely designed. The features aren’t particularly well defined, but the overall appearance is nice. I think it’s a nice addition.

Selenite Athame

I assume this is to help cast a circle. It’s pretty cool nevertheless.

Overall Impression

This was another good box from Spiral Rain. The products seem to be of good quality and I am assuming they are going to be useful for the lesson.

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