Spiral Rain: WitchClass – Lesson 12/12

Our final WitchClass lesson is about herbs and crystals.

Spiral Rain: WitchClass Subscription Overview

Cost: $25 for digital course only, or $60 + shipping + tax for box

My Cost: $540 + $300 shipping + tax = $882

Value: Varies

This Box Value: $125.99

Frequency: Monthly for 12 months

Cancellation Policy: No returns/refunds.

Payment: Prepay full term.

Auto Renew: No

Focus: “The WitchClass box is a complete witchcraft course given in a subscription box format.”

Ships From: Trois-Rivières, Québec

Established In: 2023 (this box is new this year)

Inside the Box

WitchClass Lesson 12 Course – $25

This lesson is thick, but it also looks messier than I’ve noticed in the previous lessons. I know it’s not, but it looks like the draft of a book, fit with bullet points and conclusions, but no filler. For example, in “Protection Magic” it says: “Learn to craft protection spells for personal energy, homes, and loved ones.” If we’ve already learned that in a previous lesson, then I would like it referenced back. If we haven’t, then it needs to be explained. The headers are also unnecessarily massive and continue on every page, taking up a lot of space.


A colourful set of crystals for different purposes.

This book helps to understand what the crystals above are for! There is a nice illustrated reference guide at the back. I wish there were photos, but the illustrations are pretty detailed.

Apothecary Herbs

The herbs included are:

  • Cleaver
  • Marigold
  • Orange
  • Mugwort
  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Rosemary
  • Woodruff
  • Agrimony
  • Patchouli
  • Chamomile
  • Wormwood

Perfect to set up a personal apothecary.

Sage Bundle

This is a bundle of sage with some pretty yellow flowers on top. We also received this in the Mabon 2023 box and we received a similar bundle with chakra flowers in WitchClass Lesson 8.

Clear Quartz Pendulum & Board with Instructions

We received a pendulum in our first box (August 2022) from Spiral Rain, but I like this one better. The crystal is massive and feels nice to hold. The spelling is also correct on this board.

Overall Impression

This box really sets up an apothecary for someone. I especially love the pendulum and I think the book will be very helpful. I’m a bit disappointed with the chaos of the lesson though. It needs better formatting. Overall it is an abundant way to end the WitchClass journey. Now to start on lesson 2… tee hee.

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