Bump to Mom (Tum to Mom) – Eighth box: Postpartum #3

A surprise eighth box from the subscription my sister gifted me for my pregnancy journey.

Tum to Mom Subscription Box Overview


Cost: $35USD + $7.95USD shipping

My Cost: Free (Gift from my sister <3)

Value: Up to $100USD

Box Value: Unknown

Frequency: Either monthly or bimonthly

Cancellation Policy: Cancel at least 48 hours before next billing date

Payment: Monthly or bimonthly

Auto renew: No

Focus: “Get pampered, create memories, and celebrate.
Monthly elevated experience focused on moms-to-be.”

Ships From: Canadian warehouse

Established in: ?

Inside the Box

Disposable Placemats

These placemats are BPA free and apparently biodegradable. They are also labeled as eco-friendly, but I find that hard to believe. They have sticky parts on each side so that this placemat doesn’t move from the child’s antics.

I have a long way to go until this is useful to me as I am still months away from my baby eating solids.

Mama Glows Best Hair Accessories

This collection of hair accessories is embarrassing. I would never wear a headband that says “mom on duty”. A “mamamia” hairpin? Is that mama M.I.A. or is it supposed to be mama mía? Why would I want a hairpin that says “my mother” anyway? More likely I’m M.I.A.. Anyway, I’m sure there is a set of people that would love this, but sadly I am not one of them.

Lemon Bib

This bib attracts all the dirt and loose hair in the vicinity. It already feels grainy just from taking the picture. I wonder how well it will do with food.

It is made of food-grade silicone and is flexible enough to roll up and fit into a diaper bag. Honestly it more folds than rolls, but the description says “rolls”, so there you have it. It can also be thrown in to the dishwasher for cleaning.

I have a ton of bibs, but what’s another one?

Pacifier Case

This pacifier case is also made of that silicone that seems to attract all the things you don’t want on it. I’m not a fan of the colour, but it doesn’t really matter because my baby doesn’t take a pacifier. I’ve tried many times with different types, but he just casually pushes them out. This can also be thrown into the dishwasher, though I don’t think it would get cleaned very well.

Travel Changing Mat

I actually think this is kind of cute. The pattern and colour on the outside aren’t bad, and it has a bit of padding for the baby’s comfort. The inside is pretty ugly though. It’s just plain white with “The Future is Bright” written on it. Blech. This is probably the most useful item in this box.

Overall Impression

The postpartum boxes contain more useful things than the pregnancy boxes, which is something I appreciate. This box doesn’t contain much that I personally need or want. The best thing in this box for me is the changing pad. I will likely throw it in a car for easy access for diaper changes on the road.

Why the change from “Bump to Mom” to “Tum to Mom”? This is the explanation from their website.

“As we continue to grow and enhance our services, we’ve decided to adopt a new name that embodies the essence of our mission even more closely: Tum to Mom. It reflects our broader commitment to all aspects of the journey from pregnancy to motherhood, emphasizing our dedication to nurturing, guidance, and support during this beautiful phase of your life.”

I don’t really understand how Tum to Mom embodies their mission more closely, but there you go. If you have any ideas, let me know.

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